06-25-23 NCNWTF Board Meeting

Guest Present: Matthew and Hope Thompson, Alex Royster, Nash Green, Trey Oliver, Scott Martin, Mason Krul, Rita Plattenburger, Vikki Bryant, h]Hannah Plumpton

Members Present: Tim Draughon, Howard Rumfelt, Brent Phillips, Perry Bryant, Richard Plattenburger, Robert Smith, Luke Gibson, Roger Reynolds, Ted White, Ken Moore, Jason Huffstetler, Jessi Sackett, Bill Collart, Greg Cook

Tim opened meeting with introduction of new SC/NC Regional Director, Nash Green

Ken then gave the invocation

Brent presented minutes from prior board meeting, Ted with a motion to accept, Jason with 2nd. Motion passed.

Tim gave financial report.

Hannah started her report with news that spring 2023 was a record for NC. All 3 regions were up from the previous year with the Coastal region leading the way. NCWRC will roll out the Go Outdoors app for all check ins on big game hunters in NC.

Scott spoke on NWTF new goals. Asked Hannah to see if NCWRC could get us names of the turkey hunters so we could attempt to get them to join NWTF. Less than 10% are members of the NWTF. He asked what was needed from WRC? How can we help? Do we want to do our own version of Turkey Hunting 101 classes? The topic of trapping season was brought up with mention that season does start on 10-1-23 and is a month longer than previous years. Roger questioned why not extend through March. Hannah said NC trappers were against it. If we did want to ask commission, we need to submit before early 2024.

Tim gave an update from Cully. NWTF unveiled Habitat for The Hatch at the National Leadership Conference. Robert was able to attend for NC and had discussions on their new agenda. Cully will email full report. A forestry update was also provided by Tim stating that lots of work being done with new landowners with one county getting 100% funding for Long Leaf Pine project.

RDs gave report starting with Trey. We were 10th in the nation last year with 823,339.00 raised at events. This year we are at 950,000 plus with the 50th anniversary being embraced. Our state calendars are at the printers and should be available soon. 1000 will be printed again. We have been asked to participate in the Bass Pro Fall Hunting Classic starting in August. Seen as a good opportunity to promote organization as well as a membership drive and fundraiser. Our local chapter numbers are down from prior years, but we do have hope to reestablish some past chapters that have folded. Scott announced that one of the new projects is the 40-million-dollar goal for the southeast. Much would be matched money but we as a region need to raise 8 million to reach this goal. Regional Biologist will lead this endeavor.

Howard presented the seed update. Our end seems to be running as well as it can, but their are a number of issues we can’t help. Our members do not understand that we can’t control a vast number of issues that arise from the program. Howard is taking 40-60 complaints a day about timing, quality, ect. Some changes need to be made. One solution is bringing seed to one location with everyone getting their own. Howard has diligently looked after the seed program for 10 years and has decided to turn it over to someone else going forward. Robert made a motion to put the program on a one year moratorium as we try to find a new seed coordinator. After discussion an amendment to motion was made to still get the WRC the seed we provide for them annually. Ken 2nd motion, motion passed.

Tim gave an update on December Raffle update. Anyone needing tickets was instructed to let Tim know. We need someone willing to step up to oversee the December Raffle going forward.

Bill updated he still has a few bottles of the NCNWTF 50th bourbon bottles, get with him if we need to use these anywhere.

Ted updated we had a very successful call makers auction of Facebook. $7145 was raised and call numbers were up from 2022.

Brent gave update on Save The Hunt asking again would we be able to do at least on if not three of our version of Turkey Hunting 101 classes in 2024. He then asked if we would like to try and have the museum dedication combined with an awards banquet in January 2024 at Bur Mill Park. Brent made motion with a 2nd from Ken, motion passed. Info on date will be provided at the next board meeting.

Richard updated on the By Laws we submitted to Nationals on the topic of board members absenteeism of board meetings resulting in removal from board. It was approved by the national board and went into effect immediately. See By Laws to view changes.

We have a lady that is interested in taking over as the WITO coordinator. Brittny Haynes, the founder of Women Hunters in NC. This position can be appointed by the NCNWTF president without a vote. We will ask her to attend our next board meeting.

Roger made a motion to purchase new business cards. After discussion a quantity of 100 cards were determined to be enough. Motion with 2nd from bill, motion passed.

Board elections will be held at January meeting. Nominations will be made public on social media as well as at local meetings.

Next meeting in conjunction with Fall Shindig will be determined with tentative date of 10-21-23 or earlier so we don’t compete with holidays or opening day of hunting season. Luke will look for a venue in or around New Bern and report back.

The motion was made by Ken Moore to nominate Perry and Vikki Bryant for this years Roger Lathem Award. Brent with a 2nd, motion passed.

Ted discussed that White Lake FFA had asked for 40 box calls for FFA camp. Bill with 2nd, motion passed.

Bill made motion to adjourn. Ken with a 2nd, motion passed.


10-29-23 NCNWTF Board Meeting


03-05-23 NCNWTF Board Meeting