1-17-21 NCNWTF Board Meeting

Conference Call - 3:00 pm

Board Attendees: Henry Smith, Robert Smith, Tim Draughon, Perry Bryant, George (Jason) Huffstetler, Bonni Stephenson, Bill Collart, Richard Plattenberger, Roger Reynolds, Greg Ward, Brent Phillips, Luke Gibson, Jessi Sackett 

Guests: Ryan Stanley, Bobby Phibbs, Zac Morton, Cully McCurdy 

Robert Smith started the meeting at 3:05 pm with opening remarks and welcomed all visitors.

Zac Morton gave the invocation.

Tim Draughon asked everyone to review the meeting minutes from the prior board meeting and asked if any corrections to the minutes were needed. Bill Collart made a motion to approve the minutes the motion received a 2nd by Perry Bryant. The meeting minutes were approved. 

Henry Smith presented the Treasurers Report. Bill Collart raised a question regarding the Super Fund Account and the current status. Henry Smith stated Edgefield is currently working through the details on the Superfund Account.  Bill Collart made a motion to approve the financial report the motion received a 2nd by Brent Phillips. The financial report was approved.

Ryan Stanley and Bobby Phibbs presented the RD Update. 

  • Ryan brought up the 2021 kickoff banquet was in Hyde County NC. The banquet had 25 attendees and grossed $12,000.00 and had a net of $4,400.00.

  • Both Ryan and Bobby stated they currently have several banquets in the planning stages throughout NC.

  • Bobby stated he had a good conversation with Joetta Holder regarding the banquet package currently in her possession and she would be returning to town next week and they would catch up to discuss.

  • Bobby brought up the upcoming National Convention and the challenges it will face this year due to Covid. It will be different and virtual.

  • Robert Smith brought a discussion regarding the RD training on the preferred vendors and how the process works, the IT platform-access for (3) three Chapter members for review and order. Ryan and Bobby reviewed the guidelines and order forms. Robert also discussed the payment terms at the time of the order, Bobby confirmed 10 days after the event. Chapter will be required to post date a check 60 days out from the event.

  • Both Ryan and Bobby stated if you are unsure of how your event will perform, do not over order for it.

  • Robert, Ryan and Bobby discussed the Calendar Program discussed on the State Chapter Presidents Call form this past Thursday. It was discussed that each state would receive 1000 calendars to sell at $50 each which includes a membership. Also includes chances for prizes for each week for those who buy a calendar. It was discussed that DU already does something like this by Jason Huffstetler. Ryan and Bobby stated that this has been done in several other states in the past by the NWTF but not in NC. This would take place in 2022 if the decision is made to do it.

  • Bobby brought up the positive outlook for 2021 regarding the Hyde County Banquet and that it had a small crowd but made good money. Also, a gun blast was held in SC in December and netted $10,000.00. Don’t be afraid to conduct banquets with small crowds with the right people it can be successful. Robert Smith asked that this type information be spread to the local chapters to get them motivated and excited about this coming year.

  • Bobby stated changes sometimes intimidate people and changes in operations, need to embrace the change, manage expenses and become lean and mean. Robert Smith stated its all about the membership learning how to do it and how we should do it. Need to really push memberships to the NWTF.

Cully McCurdy presented the District Biologist Report.

  • Cully started with a brief introduction regarding his background. He is looking forward to meeting everyone in person at some point.

  • Cully started with the NWTF in 2010 in VA, WV and now NC. He has been a member of the NWTF for roughly 21 years and has served many roles within is local chapter.

  • He looks forward to serving NC and his contact information is located on the report sent out by Robert Smith.

  • Cully stated there may be a slight learning curve involved due to the varied terrain, but he will be up to speed quickly.

  • Cully briefly discussed the work Chris Coxen had done prior to his layoff and stated Chris did a great job. Chris will be a contract employee with the NWTF, and he is very happy to have his help. Chris had done a lot of work in the Uwharrie National Forest and that work will be continuing.

  • Cully discussed the work of Laura Prevette, NFI Forester and she is working hard with private landowners in southeast NC. Also, an additional NFI Forester will be added to NC and his name is Matt Martire and will be based out of the Raleigh office. This will put several folks on the ground in NC which is great news.

  • Richard Plattenberger asked if we had an update on the Pisgah – Nantahala Project. Cully didn’t have a current update but will look into it and provide one.

  • Cully is looking forward to working with us in NC.

Chris Kreh was not present to present the NCWRC Turkey Project Leader update.

Howard Rumfelt was not present to present the Seed Program Update. Robert Smith stated there had been no major changes currently.

  • Robert Smith did discuss a call he received from the NCWRC regarding seed for Dove Fields. We may be able to provide seed if they can find a way to pay for it if necessary. Not sure the State Chapter could help at this point.

Zac Morton presented information on the NWTF Major Donor Program.

  • Tracking 300 major donors in NC. With current events still uncertain remember we can utilize other events to support the mission of major donors. Zac will be glad to help as needed.

  • Zac discussed Hal Atkinson as being very supportive of the NWTF. A donation will be made in the amount of $2,500.00 to NC in December.

  • Zac also discussed tributes and dedications rollout through the NWTF to recognize achievements and initiatives and to honor people for their contributions to conservation and the NWTF. Zac stated there would be more to come on this.

Robert Smith opened discussions for old business.

  • The Outdoor Expo event in Rockingham County is currently on schedule for March 13 and the advertisement is out. Information for the calling contest and call makers contest is on the NCNWTF website.

  • Website should be updated very soon once Jessica returns from being out of the country.

  • Brent Phillips stated there are 5 rooms available for Board Members for the Outdoor Expo, will these be needed? We need to commit on these. Also, most of the setup for the calling contest will be done by the Outdoor Expo staff which is a benefit.

  • Robert Smith stated if you need a room please let Brent know as soon as possible, also we will need help to staff the calling contest so any volunteers please let Brent know, it will be the most demanding as far as help needed goes.

  • Brent Phillips stated the calling contest has been registered and the package has been received, the contest has received positive feedback and should be a big event. Brent noted the need for judges and Perry Bryant has reached out to several prospects in the local Surry Longspurs Chapter. We need new judges to teach and have them shadow the more experienced judges to carry on the future.

  • Robert Smith discussed the feasibility of building the turkey calls for the kids like in the past. Due to the current environment possibly, we just hand out the kits and let the kids take them home to build. Bonni Stephenson made a great point if we do this we may need to include instructions if we proceed in this direction. Henry Smith stated he could get the instructions printed out if someone wanted to put them together.

Robert Smith opened discussions on the State Scholarship that was tabled at the previous Board Meeting. We need to decide what we are doing. Robert bought up one major issue is that all applications must be submitted online to Edgefield this year.  The NCNWTF will not know who has applied since we lose visibility. Bobby Phibbs would see if could get access to the applications to work through this issue. Henry Smith brought up the timing of the award of the scholarship to ensure we do not award a different winner. Brent Phillips discussed the State winner is different than the National winner. Further discussion was had on this issue. Robert Smith stated we need access to all the applications and wait until winners are announced. Greg Ward brought up if the deadline had passed and it has not yet. March 1 is the deadline and the National Winner is announced by April 1. Further discussion was had regarding the timing of local scholarships and it was decided that could be done and submit to the NCNWTF. Applicants would still need to go online and submit to Edgefield. Cully McCurdy suggested and stated Edgefield would work with us, once a winner is picked and if they are from NC then the State Chapter President would be notified. Robert Smith is going to bring up on the State Chapter Presidents call for further discussion. One key point is to make sure all local level recipients register online. 

Robert Smith opened discussions on the upcoming Turkey Hunting 101 and GSO events. Brent Phillips is currently communicating with the NCWRC. Robert sent out information last week and he and Brent need to know of interest in helping at the events as soon as possible. The Turkey Hunting 101 will be virtual this year and the GSO event will be in person in Lee County. The GSO event will meet all CDC guidelines. Richard Plattenberger stated the Fort Bragg event appears to be covered according to Deet James. Brent has not been contacted regarding this yet. Brent stated he would definitely need coverage for the GSO event the online would be hard to cover the way it will laid out virtual and back to back nights. Robert and Brent will pass along those interested to Deet James. 

Robert Smith opened discussions on the December Gun Raffle Update.

  • Henry Smith provided a recap of the raffle. We gave away 130 prizes and all winners have been notified except for one winner whose phone is out of service. We had (2) two buyouts for cash.

  • Henry stated there were 23,861 tickets sold. The raffle made $125,830 and we cleared approximately $30,000.00 after expenses.

  • Henry stated the printer is ready to go if we choose to move forward.

  • Henry discussed possibly a different selection of prizes to be offered this year if the Board would like to do this. We can also look at changing the ticket sold amount to add prizes if we choose.

  • We currently have the funds to continue the raffle if we choose and this has been a good fundraiser. People are already calling wanting tickets to start selling.

  • Robert Smith asked for any discussion on this matter and Richard Plattenberger suggested increase the prizes or keep the same. Brent Phillips suggested adding a prize for every 500 tickets sold. Henry Smith stated last year we gave away 120 prizes and the year before we gave away 105 prizes. We sold 2,000 more tickets than last year.

  • Brent Phillips made a motion to for every 500 tickets sold we add a prize with a minimum of 18,000 tickets sold to add prizes. Motion was 2nd by Richard Plattenberger. Motion was approved.

  • Robert Smith thanked Henry Smith and Bonni Stephenson for their efforts on the raffle. A lot of people enjoy it.

Robert Smith opened discussions for committee chair updates.

  • Richard Plattenberger stated the Constitution Committee had no updates.

  • Bonni Stephenson stated there were no update for the WITO at this time.

  • Robert Smith has been reviewing the committees and if you need a change please let him know

  • Robert Smith brought up consolidating the outreach programs-WITO, Wheelin Sportsman, and Jakes and possibly appointing an outreach coordinator.

Robert Smith opened discussions regarding the need to increase memberships to the NWTF. The current membership drive has only produced 600 members nationwide. NC currently stands in 5th place with current membership sign up. Robert brought up his excitement about the upcoming banquet season and the smaller banquets and getting the right people to attend. The Board needs to reach out to the local chapters and promote hope, let them know it will be different, but NC has always been a leader with the NWTF. 

Robert Smith opened discussions for new business.

Robert Smith discussed future Board Meeting dates

  • March 13 and 14-Rockingham County-Outdoor Expo-March 14-Board Meeting

  • June 27 – Location to be determined – Richard to check on venue

  • September 19 – Location to be determined

Luke Gibson asked for further information on the smaller banquet format. A lot of folks nervous about less people. Ryan Stanley stated NC has always adapted and came through. We need the mindset that something is better than nothing. Possibly look a raffles or different options for fund raising. Ryan discussed the Gun Bash held in Surry County and it a good option as well. Jason Huffstetler asked if events such as this included memberships, the Surry County event did not due to ticket price. Events should include a membership we need the members. Bobby Phibbs stated the direction from Edgefield was we need members, so any events held need to include memberships. Further discussion was held regarding the true cost of a membership and it was stated $35. Luke Gibson discussed the upcoming Pheasant Hunt his Chapter is holding and should those participating receive memberships. After further discussions it was determined they should, and we need to figure a way to cover the cost of those. Luke will follow up with Ryan for further discussion. Ryan stated if the event is making money turn in the memberships. 

Robert Smith stated that the NCNWTF website calendar needs to be updated as soon as possible on upcoming events. Please send events to Robert Smith and Bonni Stephenson so it can be added.

Robert Smith asked for any other business. No further business was brought up. 

Robert Smith thanked everyone for their time this evening.

Brent Phillips made a motion to adjourn it received a 2nd from Greg Ward. Motion was approved.

Meeting adjourned at 5:33 pm. 


3-27-20 NCNWTF Board Meeting


12-17-20 NCNWTF Board Meeting