01-08-23 NCNWTF Board Meeting

Members present: Tim Draughon, Howard Rumfelt, Henry Smith, Brent Phillips, Robert Smith, Richard Plattenburger, Ken Moore, Bill Collart, Perry Bryant, Luke Gibson, Ted White, John Edmondson, Jessi Sackett

Guests: Hannah Plumpton, Cully McCurdy, Bobby Phibbs, Trey Oliver

Tim welcomed everyone at 9:00am. Ken started meeting with the invocation.

Henry made a motion to accept previous meeting minutes. Ken 2nd. Motion passed.

Henry presented financial report. Stated that monies for drone purchase and land acquisiton is not shown on 1-6-23 when report was ran but has been withdrawn. Ken made a motion to accept. Bill with a 2nd. Motion passed.

Hannah brought question to board, did we want to attend the WRC meeting and present officer of year award as well as possible presentation of funds being given to the NCWRC. We decided to try and send representation.

Cully presented a in-depth presentation to all the board the day prior at leadership conference on accomplishments and areas of growth for the wild turkey and land enhancement. He also shared Laura’s report that she is working with 25 land owners with 5800 acres on long leaf management. Will email all a pdf file. He then explained superfund changes and will handle requests going forward. Request will need to be emailed to NCsuperfund@nwtf.net

Discussion on current land fund issue was discussed. Purchase/Endowment fund charges of 40903.22 would be seperate from regular superfund. Options are 1. put land investment fund to be bought by NWTF with interest 2. Roll funds into the general account. Henry recommended putting in general account but marked for land acquisition. Ken 2nd, passed. Cully will facilitate the needed paperwork.

RD’s reported there is still issue with booking banquets on the same day. Paperwork to recover funds from no longer active chapters will be delivered in certified letter.

Howard discussed current status of seed program. Reported all dates are correct on site and members must go there to order. Roger made a motion to give WRC 20 bags of chufa for use on Peidmont Gamelands as requested by Greg Queen. After discussion he retrated his motion. Roger then made a motion to sell the WRC the bags at subsidiary price. 20 bags @ 60% retail. Bill passed. Will not affect our allotment for members.

Henry presented our December Gun Raffle results. Ken made a motion to continue 2023 the same way. Brent 2nd, motion passed. We paid for 123 JAKES memberships in 22 with part of the money raised.

No needed updates on website at this time. Tim will talk with Sandy Brady about possible storage of a JAKES trailer with him in central NC.

Ted gave update on scholarship and stated local chapters must select winner on the chapter portal. Must be in by 2-1-23.

Brent presented that our calling contest will be held at Dixie Deer Classic on 3-4-23. Several members will be asked to judge and help facilitate the contest. Tim will get info to DDC.

Ken made a motion to file correct paperwork to headquarters to continue forward with dedication and naming the NCNWTF museum after Larry Smith. Robert 2nd, motion passed. Brent and Zac will continue researching with help from museum committee.

Richard made a motion to use funds raised from last years Shindig event to help reach 50K commitment to headquarters. Online auctions to be held to help with additional funds. Bill 2nd, motion passed.

Richard discussed do we need to put verbiage in the By Laws about missing two meetings in the calendar year. Howard made a motion to put Section 9, subsection 9 of 2008 bylaws back in which states such. Ken 2nd, motion passed.

Henry will budget review for 2023 with final vote to be online at later time.

Roger made a motion to approve funds for national award winners to be paid for convention trip. Richard 2nd, motion passed.

Bill made a motion to adjourn. John 2nd, motion passed.


03-05-23 NCNWTF Board Meeting


10-01-22 NCNWTF Board Meeting